Out Of Position Poker

Out Of Position Poker

Particularly in Texas Hold’em poker, the position at every hand is key in making a strategic decision. Being the one who initiates the action, or someone who follows, determines how to enter a hand. In the case of having low pocket pairs, the position becomes even more important and, as usual, several factors need to be considered.

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Playing out of position poker
  • I decided to lead out. Here's my thoughts - I'm not even thinking about the short stack at this point, they are almost irrelevant now. I figure the MP has a lot of broadways in their range, and there are a lot of cards on the turn that make playing this hand out of position very difficult (any 10, Q or Ace).
  • Out of Position Poker Strategy For many years, it was commonly advised to simply avoid spots where we are out of position as much as possible. A common adage was Out of Position = Out of the Action.

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Playing poker out of position can feel like your playing blind folded or in the dark, not knowing what your opponent will do!

Introduction to Poker Out of Position

The majority of poker enthusiasts have heard playing poker out of position is worse than in position, but they don’t truly understand the reasons why. Why is it such a bad idea to play pots out of position? Why can’t I win as much playing out of position? This article will look at three reasons why playing poker out of position sucks.

Lack of Information

Poker is a game of information; you’re trying to find out what your opponents have while hide the hand you have. You’re trying to gain information throughout a hand intuitively so you can make the best decisions possible. The truth is, when you are out of position, you lack information on your opponents. You are always acting before them and don’t know what they are going to do. You are left with two main options, check and play carefully or bet into the unknown. Neither are great options, you’re either inflating the pot at times you don’t want to or playing passively.


It’s Difficult to Pot Control Effectively

As discussed in a previous article, pot control is very important to the expert poker player. They want to play poker on their terms, manage pot size how they want, relative to their hand strength, opponent and position. This is a challenging task to say the least when you’re playing pots out of position.

How can you control the pot when you’re the first to act? Bet and they can raise, check and they can bet still. When you’re in position, you are closing the action on each round of betting. This is better as it affords you the opportunity to check back, call, bet or re raise at your discretion.

Hard to Maximise Value

Another problem with playing poker out of position is the times you make your hand and want to get value; you will find it is hard to get the maximum. You’ll often find your opponent is just calling you, checking back or folding. You may make a turn call on a draw, hit your hand and then the dilemma comes on the river. Are you going to bet into your opponent? If so, how much is right to value bet? Are you going to try and check raise? Woe when your opponent checks back and you get nothing.

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Playing Out Of Position Poker


There are times when you have to play out of position in poker, perhaps your hand is strong or you’re getting great pot odds against a weak player. But don’t look to play too many pots when you are learning as you will find it very difficult. Even the best of players doesn’t enjoy it and recognise most of their profits come from playing poker in position. Don’t handicap yourself playing pots out of position with questionable hands.

Out Of Position Poker

Photo by Kirill Balobanov