Lottery Systems That Really Work

Some lottery strategies actually choose your numbers for you personally based on previous data abbreviated in the systems in. Lottery Is Really a state. “A 100% web-based & fail-safe numbers reduction system for about $3.50/month? WinSlips Ultimate is the highest value for money you can get.” #2 – Great For Windows Users: Lotto Pro “Powerful lottery number prediction software that works well for Windows.

Lottery Systems That Really Work

You’ve seen the shiny lottery systems, may have even bought one. It didn’t work of course. So are there any lottery systems that work?

Lottery systems that truly work

There is so much lottery junk online. Not just systems, but bad advice and poor information everywhere.

Lottery systems that really working

Just dare to ask what really works in an online lottery forum — you’ll get 10 ‘experts’ swearing on their mother’s life that asking Felix the psychic feline is the only way to win 🙂

Lottery Systems That Really Work

Then another 10 who say system ‘x’ works. Because they never won a thing before, until they started playing using system ‘x’ and matched 3 out of 6 on the first try…

Whilst failing to tell you that they bought 20 times more tickets than they ever did before (the real reason).

Results Mean Nothing (Wait, What?)

The thing is that individual results do not mean anything.

I know that sounds a bit backwards. But because the lottery is so very hard to win — isolated results one way or the other do not mean anything useful. More data is needed.

You Need See The Big Picture

Here’s a good example why:

What Is The Best System To Win The Lottery

Take Gail Howards wheeling books – some of the oldest lottery systems online. The website hasn’t been run by Gail for a long time and now includes a quite a lot of factually incorrect and misleading advice.

But the site is full of testimonials of people who have won jackpots. And they are real winners too. So the system must truly work then, right..?

Well, no, not really.

These people have NOT really won because of any secret system. They won because 100,000 Gail Howard fans have been buying lots of tickets for 30 years (yes, over 30 years!).

And because they were told to play games that are easier to win (i.e. Pick 5).

Some of that advice did nothing to help. Some of it even hurt them.

What About The 99.9% Who Lost!

So what happened to the other 99,900 people who bought Gail’s books and software but haven’t won..?

Did they not bother to use it? Did they not implement the ‘clever techniques’ properly? Or were they just unlucky.

How can they claim these are lottery systems that work if the vast majority do NOT win when they use them?

Smart Luck Or Plain Random Luck?

And this is something you need to watch out for. Is the seller making impossible claims?

Or more subtle but still common — are they using genuine facts in a sneaky way? For example, only showing the winners and not being honest about all the losers.

If you use any system (no matter how good) and instantly win big, it means you were lucky.

That’s because nothing can truly ‘beat’ the lottery.

Lottery systems that really work fast

Yes, you can maximise your chances of winning (hopefully that’s why you are here!). But some luck will always be involved.

If everyone who used one of those systems won big within, let’s be generous here and say 10 years, that would really mean something.

But it can’t happen that way. You can do a lot better than you are probably doing right now, but the lottery just doesn’t work in any way that can be ‘beaten’. One of the worlds best maths Professors (a real one!) actually stated that in this newspaper article.

A better chance of winning is the best that you can expect from any system. And yes, that is worth pursuing.

So Are There Any Lottery Systems That Work?

It really depends on what you mean by ‘work’, and exactly what those lottery systems claim to do.

So when I assess and test lottery systems, I’m looking at the value of the insights and strategies that they offer. But I’m also looking at what they claim they can do for you, and if they are making innaccurate claims or giving bad advice.

Testing does not mean using them for a week or two (that proves nothing) and drawing unhelpful conclusions!

So when you read my lottery system reviews, bear in mind that anything I do recommend has value.

Because I’m one of the very few voices online that won’t recommend lottery garbage for a sly backhander.

What About Free Systems?

To be honest there is probably way more ‘well meaning junk’ out there than ‘dishonest junk’.

People put a lot of effort into fiddling with Excel spreadsheets etc. So they become very attached to their ideas and may even genuinely think what they are doing is helping.

They then enthusiastically share those ideas with others without ever proving what they are doing works. Commonly (from my long experience) they don’t even know how to prove it. They don’t mean harm, but they are doing it anyway.

If you want free, get my tips here. It’s not a ‘system’ but it will help improve your chances.

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Lottery Systems That Really Work With

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