Decimal To American Odds

Convert odds between American, Decimal, and Fractional format using simple odds conversion formulas. Or, skip the math and use the odds converter instead!

Decimal to Fractional

Remove 1 from the decimal and convert to a fraction, then reduce to simplest form:

(decimal-1) -> convert to fraction

  1. Converting American odds to Decimal As the American Odds have two types, there are two methods to convert them into decimal form. For positive odds, the odds are divided by 100 and 1 is added to it. For negative odds, 100 is divided by the odds and 1 is added to it.
  2. Negative american odds - Negative 100 divided by (the decimal odds minus one) e.g. A decimal value of 1.2 = -100 / (1.2 - 1) = -500. Also See Betting Calculator - Enter your odds and stake to calculate bet returns for all types of sport wager.

Fractional to American; Fractional to Decimal; American to Decimal; American to Fractional; Odds Converter; Decimal to Fractional. Remove 1 from the decimal and convert to a fraction, then reduce to simplest form: (decimal-1) - convert to fraction. Examples: 1.75: 1.75 – 1 =.75 = 75/100 = 3/4 2.20: 2.20 – 1 = 1.20 = 120/100 = 6/5. American odds are displayed in hundreds and thousands (-110, +500, +1500, etc). Be sure to enter the minus sign (-) if applicable to your odds. Decimal odds are displayed as a number greater than.


1.75: 1.75 – 1 = .75 = 75/100 = 3/4
2.20: 2.20 – 1 = 1.20 = 120/100 = 6/5

Decimal to American

To convert a decimal of 2.00 or higher:

moneyline = (decimal – 1) *100


2.00: (2.00 – 1)*100 = 1*100 = +100
3.35: (3.35 – 1)*100 = 2.35*100 = +235

To convert a decimal of less than 2.00:

moneyline = (-100) / (decimal -1)


1.9091 : (-100)/(1.9091 – 1) = (-100)/(0.9091) = -109.99 = -110
1.6579 : (-100)/(1.6579 – 1) = (-100)/(0.6579) = -151.98 = -152


Fractional to American

Over 1/1: Convert Fraction to Decimal and multiply by 100.

Decimal Odds To American Odds Calculator

Moneyline = (fraction value)*100


7/4: (7/4) * 100 = (1.40) * 100 = +140
6/5: (6/5) * 100 = (1.20) * 100 = +120

Under 1/1: divide -100 by the Fraction as a Decimal.


Moneyline = -100/(fraction value)


1/4: -100/(1/4) = -100/.25 = -400
1/10: -100/(1/10) = -100/.1 = -1000

Fractional to Decimal

Convert the fraction to a decimal and add one.


3/4: (3/4) + 1 = (.75) + 1 = 1.75
6/5: (6/5) + 1 = (1.20) + 1 = 2.20

American to Decimal

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and add 1.

decimal = (moneyline/100) +1


+100: (100/100) + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2.00
+235: (235/100) + 1 = 2.35 + 1 = 3.35

Negative Odds (“-“): Divide 100 by the moneyline, then add this value to 1.00.

decimal = (100/moneyline) + 1


Decimal To American Odds

-110: (100/110) +1 = 1 + 0.9091 = 1.9091
-152: (100/152) +1 = 1 + 0.6579 = 1.6579

American to Fractional

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and reduce to simplest form

(moneyline/100) -> simplest form

Decimal To American Odds


+120: (120/100) = 6/5
+250: (250/100) = 5/2

Negative Odds (“-“): Divide 100 by the moneyline and reduce to simplest form

(100/moneyline) -> simplest form


-120: (100/120) = 5/6
-300: (100/300) = 1/3

Decimal To American Odds

Odds Converter

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Want to learn more? Read this full article on betting odds conversion.

Decimal To American Odds

By convention only a set of fractions are used in fractional odds betting markets. The set does not include exact mathematical equivalents to all possible decimal and American odds. We use the closet fraction that is used in betting markets.

For example, the exact mathematical equivalent of decimal odds 30 is fractional odds 29/1. However 29/1 is not used in betting markets, instead 30/1 is used, so that is what appears in this converter.

For an explanation of the odds types on this table see decimal, fractional and American odds. To find out what the numbers really represent see understand odds as probability with overround.

Gambling Odds Calculator

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